
Hi everyone and welcome to my Piano Walk website.

Music has been a passion of mine ever since I was a young boy of 8 years old. Over the years I learned to play quite a few instruments, but my biggest passion is and will remain the piano.

In my years I have used and owned numerous different pianos and it wasn’t always easy to pick out the right one. Some were good and some were not. Some were sturdy and solid and some were always having issues from moving around between gigs.

I want to help out with my experience and avoid others to have to go through the same problems. A good piano isn’t cheap and it really is a shame if after some time the keys start breaking or the electronics start to misbehave.


I have been living and breathing music for as long as I can remember. As a youngster I was playing guitar in quite a few bands and when I finally turned 18 I decided I wanted to pursue a career in music. I did about 4 years of full-time schooling at Jazz Studio in Antwerp, Belgium for guitar and piano.

I have played in salsa bands, rock bands, pop bands…

The last 10 years I have mostly been focusing on playing in worship teams at various churches for the Lord, Christ, my saviour.

During those years I have owned a lot of instruments in various price classes and qualities. Have often wasted money on what seemed like a good instrument only to find out that it was too fragile to be moved around from gig to gig.


Music has been a very important factor and it has helped me through many phases in my life. This is something that I know can help others and I want to share my story and experience.


My experience can help people to find the right start in a passion that can last a lifetime. The goal is to point you towards the right equipment and the right exercises that will enable you to progress as efficient as possible.

I will provide comprehensive reviews for equipment, reviews for various online tutoring programs that are out there… As well as some of my own exercises and tips and tricks that you can use during your progress as a piano player.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,



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